The International Metamorphosis Association

.This teaching gives a deeper understanding of Robert St John's work Metamorphosis-rsj, a simple method that could change your life.

The visionary Robert St. John devoted his life to observing the body's healing powers. His work as a Reflexologist evolved into Prenatal Therapy.

Recent studies confirm that inherited behaviour runs in families, he was ahead of his time with his theory that at conception we inherit traits from our Mother and ancestors that govern how we approach situations in life.

All living beings inherit traits. For example, how does a bird know how to build a nest? It inherits information from its ancestors through its mother at conception, this is a good inherited trait as it is essential for survival.

Unwanted inherited traits can be feeling unwanted, lacking confidence, and having unwanted habits. Metamorphosis-rsj can help you overcome inherited patterns effortlessly.

Robert St John noticed that when he applied a gentle, non-invasive touch to reflex points on the ridge of the feet, hands, head or spine, his client's behaviour changed, the client became more focused and confident, and some careers and relationships changed, he named the reflex’s the "Prenatal Pattern".

Blocks may be released on all levels of behaviour, emotional, mental, and physical, sometimes, the person does not even realise this is happening, but others see the change in them as their transformation takes place, allowing the True Self to emerge.

Because Robert St John originally called Metamorphosis "Prenatal Therapy" over time his work has been misinterpreted to mean that our future behaviour is governed by experiences in the womb.

Robert St John taught that inherited traits are with us from conception. We cannot inherit them during the time in the womb.

However, if a person's inherited trait is to feel unwanted if they feel unwanted during the pregnancy, this will reinforce the inherited patterns; they will carry unwanted feelings into life and may lack self-worth.

If a person inherits a nervous disposition, if they are subject to an environment that is not peaceful during the time in the womb, they will feel nervous; this will enhance the trait they bring into life.

Why did Robert St John rename Prenatal Therapy Metamorphosis?

(To distinguish between the known term Metamorphoses and Robert St John's work we suffix-rsj after the name Metamorphosis-rsj)

Robert St John realised his work was not therapy as therapy provides a cure, and his work was self-healing. Metamorphosis-rsj works with the person's innate intelligence sometimes referred to as the subconscious mind where all our memories are stored.

It is the person's innate intelligence that makes the changes. This inner being is there to protect you it would not allow any harm to befall you. The practitioner is merely a catalyst while the body heals itself, Practitioners make no claims or take any credit for this safe transformation that is suitable for all ages from newborns to the elderly at all levels of well-being.

Robert St John saw his client's transformation after sessions, however, when you search for Metamorphosis you see images of nature species and seeds morphing into other shapes which Robert St John claimed misinterpreted his meaning of Metamorphosis-rsj.

When a species or a seed morphs they take their inherited memories and traits to pass on to the next generation. They do not turn into new beings nothing alters except their shape.

Robert St John's meaning of Metamorphosis-rsj was that by clearing the past inherited memories and traits, a person does not become a version of who they were they become someone who has never existed before, allowing them to achieve their true potential.

You do not require any previous qualifications to become a Metamorphosis-rsj practitioner enhancing the lives of friends and family and future clients.

No particular environment is needed to give Metamorphosis-rsj sessions. However, providing a calm space with quiet music playing in the background will add to the relaxed atmosphere. Clients remain fully clothed except for removing their shoes. The client and the practitioner experience relaxation.

Robert St John's teaching also gives an insight into behaviour patterns, he taught there are two types of personality named Afference and Efference, you will learn how the different personalities react in situations and why.

Who can benefit from Metamorphosis-rsj?

People from all walks of life can benefit from Metamorphosis-rsj. You can give yourself sessions of Metamorphosis-rsj, help family and friends or become a Metamorphosis-rsj practitioner, working in hours that suit you, helping others to achieve their true potential.

Metamorphosis-rsj and pregnancy: Midwives and hypnobirthing practitioners find giving future mums sessions of Metamorphosis-rsj during pregnancy beneficial for both the mum-to-be and the baby.

Metamorphosis-rsj and Reflexology: Reflexologists benefit from the study of Metamorphosis-rsj as they already work on the Spinal Reflex, offering a self-healing aspect enhances their practice.

Do you work with people who need support? Metamorphosis-rsj can benefit children and adults with physical, mental or behavioural challenges.

Caring for animals with Metamorphosis-rsj when working with animals you only work on the spine for a few moments. Animals may ask you to work on them by standing near you. They may walk away when they have had enough, but a few moments is usually enough. We let them decide to have Metamorphosis-rsj.

Frequently asked questions:

Do I need to ground myself before or after a session?

Metamorphosis-rsj does not work on meridians, unwanted inherited memories are not energy blocks, and working on the reflexes of the prenatal pattern does not create a closed circuit.

However, if you want to ground yourself with any method you use, it will not make any difference to the outcome of a session working on the reflexes of the prenatal pattern brings about the change.

How many sessions does a person need?

Metamorphosis-rsj Practitioners cannot know how many sessions a client will need, as they are just catalysts and make no claims to cure or take any credit for the changes in a person.

Some clients will have a session and then contact the practitioner when they feel ready to continue their journey towards transformation. Others will feel they need several sessions and book them all together.

How long does a session last?

An hour is usually long enough for an adult. Minors and young children do not need so long.

How should I interact with a client?

The session is relaxing for both the practitioner and the client. Some clients and practitioners like to interact, and some prefer to remain detached while enjoying the experience.

Many clients ask questions and interact with the practitioner. Remaining detached or interacting will not make any difference to the person's transformation.

Can I give myself Metamorphosis-rsj?

You can work on yourself as often as you need to. Use your fingers to touch your reflex points as you would with another person.

While touching your feet, hands, and head during a session on yourself you are working on the reflexes of the prenatal pattern this does not create a closed circuit.

What are the benefits of learning Metamorphosis-rsj with us?

Students learn to help themselves, their families and friends, or they may want to become Practitioners.

The study fee includes lifetime registration and support from The International Metamorphosis-rsj Association.

Metamorphosis-rsj is easy to learn via Home Study delivered to your email, with tutor support. Home Study is available globally.

Alternatively, learn at various venues with one of our tutors.

You will learn the principles and theory of Metamorphosis-rsj. In addition, you will learn everything you need to start helping yourself and others or to become a practitioner.

You can arrange your sessions or study days and fees working in the hours that best suit you - great for working parents or people with other commitments. There are no annual Association fees to pay and no hidden extras.

The fee for the Home Study is €95, including membership if you wish to join the association and ongoing support. To learn more about Metamorphosis-rsj please click course info To book the home study please click book home study 

Venue fees. Practitioners set their fees so they may vary. For a Practitioner or Tutor in your location please  click  Practitioners

Testimonial: Canada; Jacqueline-Excellent instructions, very clear, organised and structured. I would certainly recommend it. To view further testimonials please click  About Us page
