Contact and booking
To book the Metamorphosis-rsj Home Study program
Please complete the form below.
Then check out with PayPal.
Paying securely with PayPal.
You do not need a PayPal account, you can pay with a credit card, debit card, or bank account balance.
Please make the payment in Euros PayPal will automatically adjust the payment to your currency.
The Home Study program fee is €95
For venues please get in touch with a practitioner on the Practitioners page.

You will receive a confirmation email once your payment is received.
The International Metamorphosis-rsj Association T/A P.B. THERAPY TRAINING 4U is a Business Name with Registration Number ΕΕ 33326. It was registered on 30 Mar 2009 and its current status is Active. All coursework is protected by copyright. We advise all practitioners to have up-to-date insurance coverage. We will provide insurance policy details once you have obtained your membership certificate. It is not mandatory to join the association; however, we cannot guarantee the quality of sessions or teaching for non-members.
By enrolling in a Metamorphosis-rsj training course, you acknowledge that you will not sell, distribute, edit, or reproduce any software or literature related to this teaching course. You also agree not to use the course's structure in any other training without the express permission of the founder and accept the terms and conditions. The home study fees are non-refundable unless there is a justified reason for the refund.